

重塑“标”准 | ylzzcom永利总站线路检测携创新方案亮相欧洲标签展




Date: Sep. 11th-14th, 2023


Location: Brussels Expo, Hall 3, Booth 61

Labelexpo Europe 作为标签行业的重要展览,是推出新产品和展示最新技术的关键平台。ylzzcom永利总站线路检测在展览上展示了针对不同应用场景的三款升级检测产品,吸引了全球专业人士和观众的关注。

As a significant exhibition in the label industry, Labelexpo Europe serves as a crucial platform for launching new products and showcasing the latest technologies. LUSTER showcased three upgraded inspection products for different application scenarios at the exhibition, attracting attention from professionals and attendees worldwide.

展出产品Exhibited Products

LabelHERO-F 离线检测系统


LabelHERO-F Offline Inspection System

his system is designed for short-run offline inspections. The newly upgraded interface and control panel provide easier daily operation, allowing parameter modification without stopping the machine and keeping job setup time within 30 seconds. Multiple still images and defect roll map make different defect types instantly recognizable. Moreover, the upgraded AI algorithm offers higher accuracy and efficiency, meeting the requirements for one-click text extraction, die-cutting, and background area extraction. It provides efficient and reliable quality control for the label production process.

LabelTANK-220T 系列桌面复卷检测

这款桌面式检测机专为小批量标签及电子标签检测而设计,将“复卷-检测-缺陷剔除-成品交付”结合在一起,支持正转及倒转,结合了高效的检测功能和便捷的操作性能,同时 1*1*1m 的机身尺寸为用户提供了更便利的解决方案。

LabelTANK-220T Series Table Top Inspection Rewinder

This table top inspection machine is specifically designed for small-batch label and electronic label inspections. It combines the processes of rewinding, inspection, defect removal, and final product delivery. It supports both forward and reverse directions, offering efficient inspection capabilities and convenient operation. With a compact size of 1*1*1m, it provides users with a more convenient solution.

PrintingProof 对版检测系统

PrintingProof 检测系统可以有效地对比数字文件、印刷样品和样本文件,以控制印前阶段的质量。它可以用于检测印前过程中的错误,如错位、污点、内容缺失、颜色变化、文字/图形/印刷错误等。该系统适用于整个印刷过程,能够高效准确地检测印刷品的对版质量,帮助客户提升生产效率和产品质量。

PrintingProof Inspection

The PrintingProof inspection system effectively compares digital files, printing samples, and sample files to control the quality in the prepress stage. It can be used to detect errors that may occur in the pre-printing process, such as mis-registration, dirty spots, missing content, color variation, text/graphic/print errors, and more. This system is applicable throughout the entire printing process and can efficiently and accurately inspect the registration quality of printed materials. It helps customers improve production efficiency and product quality.

在展会 4 天内,我们展示的产品和解决方案引起了不小的关注和赞赏。我们与来自欧洲乃至全球的客户进行了深入的交流,并且与许多客户达成了合作协议。ylzzcom永利总站线路检测国际销售总监段育芳表示:“欧洲对我们来说非常重要。我们已经参加Labelexpo Europe十多年了,我们在该地区安装数量也在不断增长。通过本次展会我们了解到了行业最新技术和发展趋势。” 

During the four days of the exhibition, the products and solutions we showcased garnered significant attention and appreciation. We had in-depth discussions with customers from Europe and even worldwide, and reached cooperation agreements with many of them. Carrie Duan, our international sales director said: ‘Europe holds immense importance for us. We have been participating in Labelexpo Europe for over 10 years now, driven by the growth number of installations in this region. It’s also a wonderful platform to follow all the latest technologies and developments in the industry.’

再次感谢所有莅临 LUSTER 展位的观众和合作伙伴!我们将继续努力,致力于为您提供卓越的产品和服务!Once again, we would like to express our gratitude to all the visitors and partners who visited the LUSTER booth! We will continue to strive and dedicate ourselves to providing you with outstanding products and services!